We’re looking for a confident and friendly salesperson to help scale the first batch of Music Memory Box. As a product for people living with dementia, a lot of the focus will be on care homes and dealing with this sensitive subject so someone who has personal experience or is adept at empathising with families and care staff is essential.
Following a successful Kickstarter in April 2019 Music Memory Box is now in production to manufacture the first 300 boxes. We have some pre-orders currently and are looking for someone who can be dedicated to selling the remainder and creating new partnerships in the lead up to them coming to market in February 2020.
We particularly welcome applications from those without a traditional sales background from healthcare or occupational therapy for example. As well as people from BAME backgrounds, disabled people and those who identify as LGBTQ+.
To apply read the full Job Description here and send a cover letter and CV to jess@studiomeineck.co.uk by midnight on Sunday 13th October